Sights and attractions
Here you can find areas best sights and attractions to visit!
Sights and attractionsHere you can find areas best sights and attractions to visit!
Sights and attractionsFind our latest brochures of hiking trails, sights & attractions, bids & flowers etc.
BrochuresMatkailijoita palvelevat Asikkalan, Padasjoen ja Sysmän kuntien matkailuneuvonnat!
Tourist officesExperience the beautiful landscapes on the most beautiful landscape route in Finland and find the best sights and attractions along the route.
Landscape tourPäijänne national park consist mainly of island with a couple exceptions. Check the different optons to reach this beautiful national park.
How to reach national parkSouth Päijänne is just over an hour from Helsinki airport and about two hours from St. Petersburg! Here you find the information of different options to reach the area.
How to reach Päijänne areaThe regional tourism association, Juotavan Hyvä Etelä-Päijänne ry oerates in South Päijänne in the municipalities of Asikkala, Hartola, Heinola, Padasjoki and Sysmä. The association focuses in promotion of tourism in these municipalities and of companies working in the area.
Juotavan Hyvä Etelä-Päijänne ry